Emily Cox, Lyell Rodieck, Henry Rathvon

Bill Fox, Emily Cox, and Henry Rathvon

Invitation to the banquet

Finals: Jon Delfin , Trip Payne

Cathy Milhauser and Rich Norris

Derek Allen and Family

Dan Asimov

Ellen Ripstein and Ken Stern

Kelly Clark and Manny Nosowsky

Kelly Clark and Rich Norris

Ken Stern, Dave Tuller, and Frank Longo

Lyell Rodieck and Ellen Conford

Mary Brindamour & Husband

Emily Cox, Nancy Shack & Henry Rathvon

Nancy Salomon and Lyell Rodieck

Patrick Jordan

Waiting for the others to finish

Will Shortz preparing for the final round

Ellen Ripstein and Jon Delfin at work

Waiting for the scorekeepers

Ray Hamel

Stan Newman, Bob Klahn, Merl Reagle, and Henry Hook

Ed Stein videoing the event, and Will Shortz

Reviewing the completed puzzles